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Rotherham parkrun Stats

parkrun Stats: parkrun Stats

First Appearance

Event 26 (19/10/13) - Rupert Genge
Event 26 (19/10/13) - Richard Banks
Event 190 (21/01/17) - Tom Needham
Event 232 (23/12/17) - Chris Walters 
Event 250 (12/05/18) - Sean Gavin

Highest Finish

1st (Event 382) - Richard Banks
5th (Event 445) - Chris Walters 
6th (Event 405) - Sean Gavin 
14th (Event 63) - Rupert Genge 
15th (Event 233) - Tom Needham 

Most Consecutive Runs

70 (Event 380-451) - Sean Gavin
21 (Event 324-344) - Rupert Genge
18 (Event 327- 344) - Richard Banks
8 (Event 427-434) - Chris Walters
6 (Event 324-329) - Tom Needham 

Full Houses


Events: 252, 253, 258, 259, 306, 324, 327, 328, 333, 334, 336, 337, 338, 343, 344, 346, 358, 399, 432, 436, 442

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